Express Myself!

Baby Bear had the opportunity to spend some time away from Mama Bear & Papa Bear, so he ventured into the woods.  He happened upon a porcupine and really liked the looks of his quills.  The porcupine gladly handed over a few of his extras so that Baby Bear could wear some quills too.  Then Baby Bear made friends with a raccoon and shortly thereafter insisted that he find himself a mask so that he could also wear one.  No sooner had he said goodbye to the raccoon when he had met up with a chicken.  As you may have guessed, he fell in love with the chicken’s feathers and began to wear some of his own.  On his way back to the cottage, he ran into Goldilocks. Sure enough, he asked Goldilocks if she’d be willing to bleach his coat blonde for him in exchange for a bowl of warm porridge.  Goldilocks agreed to the exchange.
Once Baby Bear had returned to the cottage, both Mama Bear & Papa Bear took notice of his new appearance and were quite displeased.  Mama Bear exclaimed, “What on earth were you thinking when you did all of this?”
Baby Bear [sheepishly] replied, “Mama, I just wanted to express myself!” 

One Response to “Express Myself!”

  1. xynphix Says:

    This would make a great cartoon!