Road Tripp

Tripp cut off a driver while merging on to the Interstate.  Out of panic the driver sounded his horn, and Tripp replied with an offensive hand gesture.  Then, Tripp spotted an opportunity to get in the left lane to make some time, but there was a slow-moving minivan preventing him.  So, Tripp blew his horn while approaching the minivan from behind at high speed.  The driver of the minivan changed lanes and Tripp was finally in the fast lane with no vehicles in front of him.

After a short time, Tripp noticed the fast lane was coming to an end.  Instead of merging, he raced to the top and tried to get in front several of cars that had already merged in to the center lane.  Of course, none of them wanted to let him in.  Therefore, he honked the horn and charge toward the traffic until somebody finally yielded.  The remainder of the road trip was rather uneventful. 

When Tripp got home he said to his wife, “I’ve been thinking.  Driving wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for all of the idiots on the road.”

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