Of Cans and Man

Man looks upon another man
Who walks and talks with can in hand
And of his can becomes a fan
And is off to buy his own can
Although not really his own can
But the can of the other man
Copied and carried in his hand
And now he thinks he’s better than—

So he greets others can to can
Those who partake in his canned plan
That is, the ones of their own clan
Who all display the same canned brand
Cans don’t work well with other cans
And some cans, the other cans ban
Get out and join some other clan!
Those cans will say from can to can

And always have—from span to span
As only cans know other cans
Or at least as much as cans can
But behind those cans there stands man
Something the cans can’t understand
Nor does man when he talks through cans
And all of man talks can to can
But few have talked from man to man

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